
Your Archimedean Point | Of What Are Your Sure?

Archimedes of Syracuse

23 centuries ago the great philosopher and mathematician Archimedes of Syracuse became famous for his extraordinary technical knowledge. One of his most impressive inventions involved building a system of levers which sunk invading Roman ships. Not surprisingly, this master of…

What is Covenant Theology?

helping hand b/w

Today’s post is by guest-author Matt Hendren. Matt is the husband to a wonderful wife, a member of Immanuel Nashville, and an all around nerd. His interests include comedy, Reformed Theology, and all things stationary. You can find him spreading…

Meet Herman Bavinck

Today’s post is by guest-author Rev. Jeff De Boer. Jeff serves in a variety of capacities at Mid America Reformed Seminary–primarily as the Director of Enrollment Management. A great share of his time is spent encouraging the growth and development…

3 Ways to Internalize What You Study

Today’s post is by guest-author Brayden Brookshier. Brayden is the Head of Publishing for Sermon To Book. He is involved in various biblical teaching ministries in San Diego, California. Brayden is the author of The Dawn of New Creation: Exploring the…